The whole of Bollywood, including playback legend Lata Mangeshkar, director Rohit Shetty and Shah Rukh Khan, have extended their support to the comedy king of India, Kapil Sharma. The set of his show, Comedy Nights With Kapil, was recently destroyed by fire.
And the first Bollywood entity, who will come down to Lonavala to grace the show since the mishap, is Akshay Kumar. We have been told that the actor will fly down to Lonavala to be a part of it. He will be accompanied by Ronit Roy.
Incidentally, singer Honey Singh was also supposed to come, but he had to leave to Dubai with Shah Rukh Khan for an event. Says a source associated with the show, "We are overwhelmed with the support we have got from every section of the industry. Akshay has anamazing sense of humour and we had a whale of a time the last time he had visited the set."
Akshay will join the show for the promotion of his upcoming flick BOSS. The actor last visited the show during the promotion of 'Once Upon Aye Time in Mumbai Dobaara'.
And the first Bollywood entity, who will come down to Lonavala to grace the show since the mishap, is Akshay Kumar. We have been told that the actor will fly down to Lonavala to be a part of it. He will be accompanied by Ronit Roy.
Incidentally, singer Honey Singh was also supposed to come, but he had to leave to Dubai with Shah Rukh Khan for an event. Says a source associated with the show, "We are overwhelmed with the support we have got from every section of the industry. Akshay has anamazing sense of humour and we had a whale of a time the last time he had visited the set."
Akshay will join the show for the promotion of his upcoming flick BOSS. The actor last visited the show during the promotion of 'Once Upon Aye Time in Mumbai Dobaara'.
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